“9 Reasons You’re Still Not Married” (and what to do about it) by Andre Paradis

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An action-packed 19 Page PDF Download with powerful information that can set you free.
​Introduction into 11 Chapters explaining the 9 Reasons

​End Result: Develop a deeper understanding of how men perceive women. How to ​answer important questions regarding your relationships and most importantly how to move forward.   


“Five Feminine Qualities High-Quality Men Find Absolutely Irresistible”   by Andre Paradis

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This is a remarkable Workbook of 22 pages total. It includes Introduction into 5 Chapters,  with prompts for your own reflection and growth after each chapter. A Valuable Tool.
This is a great book for Women and Men.
End Result:  Gain a better understanding of feminine and masculine energy and why it has such an impact on your relationships.

Andre Paradis is a Certified Relationship Dynamics Coach and Educator of Effective Communication Strategies. He is a Certified NLP Coach, Public Speaker, and Workshop Leader. He’s a two-time Amazon Best Seller, and lastly, he is an ordained minister.

Through a long journey of self-discovery and education, it has become Andre’s MISSION to help others create and maintain long-lasting and loving relationships.

He created Project Equinox to alleviate the misunderstanding and pain between men and women by teaching the concept of GENDER INTELLIGENCE. When men can understand the perspective of a woman and women can understand the perspective of a man, we can communicate with the understanding and respect that we deserve.

Relationship coach for successful business women: Transforming lives from confusion and misunderstanding to ease and joy in love relationships.

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